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The skill of writing job advertisments

A good hospitality job advertisement leaps off the page grabs attention and leads to high-quality candidates who are eager to fill the role. However, most won't reach this standard.

Putting the employee first

Most hospitality job advertisements progress in a certain way – they start by outlining the qualities they are looking for in a potential hire and spell out exactly what they are offering with a role. Try offering an insight into what the company can offer to a potential hire and why they should choose a certain company over another.

For recruitment in hospitality, making a shift to candidate-focused job advertisements shouldn't be difficult. Start by focusing on the opportunities a position offers – maybe it will allow a junior chef to move into a more senior role? Or, maybe the role is with an exciting new restaurant with a strong team culture?

Walking the walk and talking the talk

It isn't enough to just make a job advertisement that focuses on what you can offer a potential hospitality worker – you also have to follow through and craft an advertisement that actually reflects the reality of your workplace. If you can't deliver on the promises of a job advertisement, it won't be long before candidates cotton on to this difference and lose interest in working for you.

Most importantly, ensure that the job advertisement is both candidate focused and honest about what your hospitality business can offer. That way, you can be sure you are attracting and retaining the very best recruits to your business.